Helping Hands Resources

Location: Salem, Oregon

Helping Hands, located at 1755 13th Street in Salem had occupied a small house at the same location and had outgrown its facility. Helping Hands extends its support to families and individuals in need, primarily by offering access to high-quality, gently used clothing at no cost. The newly established 2,800 sq. ft. facility comprises 2,000 sq. ft. on the ground floor and an additional 800 sq. ft. on a mezzanine level, featuring dedicated spaces for displays, volunteer work, and storage. The wood framed structure includes energy efficient glazing, metal shingles, and siding systems to evoke a modernist design response to its service commercial context.
Studio 3 was honored with a Merit Award for this project. To read jury comments and more about the award click the link below.


Southgate Retail


Sherwin Williams